Doc – Free WordPress Theme

Doc is a one-column theme, with a fixed width and lots of white space. It is intended to spoil your content and to satisfy your users’ reading pleasure.
Doc is minimal. I mean really minimal: it has the simplest layout and the most basic color scheme. Anyways, this simplicity only affects the design; the code is complete and the usability wasn’t neglected.

-valid strict XHTML 1.0 markup;
-valid CSS 2.1;
-really fast loading: for the test blog
-search engine optimized;
-fixed width (fit to 1024px screens);
-custom templates (404.php, error message, archive page, page without comments);
-3 widgetized areas in the lower section;
-sticky posts (italics);
-threaded comments;
-social bookmarks (no plugin needed);
-white space, for the sake of your readers’ eyes;
-Microsoft Word-like design;
-print stylesheet.

Doc can only be used with WordPress 2.7 and above.

Doc is released under a GNU/GPL licence; you are allowed to freely use it, modify it and distribute it with the condition of preserving the licence and the attribution.

 Download    Demo


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