
Showing posts with the label Graphic - icons

The Elegant Icon Font - Free icons

Elegant Themes has something beautiful to share: "310 Of The Best Free Icons For The Modern Web". The icons have been optimized with pixel-perfect detail for 16px, and all are multiples of 16px (32px, 64px, etc). These icons are dual licensed under the GPL 2.0 and MIT, and are completely free to use.

IcoMoon premium icon pack - Free Icons

450 Icons Handcrafted on a 16×16 Grid Optimized for Icon Font Use Vector Formats: SVG, PDF, EPS, Ai, PSD Photoshop Shapes (CSH)

Simple & Elegant - Free Icons

Nick from Elegant Themes has something nice to share: a beautiful set of social media icons.

Metalik Social - Free Icons

6 Metalik social Icons for: Twitter, Facebook, Rss Feed, Technorati, Myspace and Stumbleupon.

Christmas Twitter - Free Icon


Bitcons - Free icons

Bitcons is a pixel icon set consisting of 120 marks, available in various colors/sizes and completely free to use.

Free Watercolor social Icons

9 watercolor social Icons for:

Iconic - Free Icon Set

 Iconic is a minimal set of icons consisting of 136 marks in raster, vector and font formats — free for public use.

Devine - Free Icons

Clean and beautiful black and white icons.

Free GNOME Desktop icons

Icons in this Pack: 309 Available Sizes: .ICO File, 32x32 px, 48x48 px, 64x64 px

Web 2.0rigami - Free Icons


Free Phuzion icons

Available Sizes:  .ICO File, 32x32 px, 48x48 px, 64x64 px, 128x128 px, 256x256 px

Compressed Icons - Free Icons

This is a second version of 2 original icons I made for Vista. The file contains png and ico images for zip, rar, cab, 7z, gzip and a generic one.

Free iPhone Sketch Icons

Tired of the same realistic iPhone icons around the web? Yes, me too. So I designed a new icon set with a colored pencil style that I’m sure you will love.

Free Windows 7 6956 Icons

Icons extrated from Windows 7 Build 6956.

Free Smoog v1.4 iPhone Theme

Smoog v1.4, native theme for Winterboard on 2.0+ iphone, includes 3.0 icons (Compass, Voice Memos, ecc...) SMSbubbles, LockedScreen Arrow, Badge and some UI images.

Cult Movie - Free Icons

This set is a bunch of icons inspired by key scenes from cult movies. Not only is the subject matter weird, the icons themselves depict the most disparaged objects. They sure were a lot of fun to create, though, and might drive some of you to discover these movie gems.

20 Free Marker-Style Icons

This icon set is originally inspired by the iPhone’s and designed for Notepad (WordPress theme). It is designed in simple marker stroke and they can be applied on any color. You can used them in sketchy or modern design as seen on the iPhone and iPad apps.

Free Shopping bag icon - WD1

It's easy in photoshop to change colors of ribbons so shopping bag will fit in your design. Add logo or company style graphic elements on it and it will fit anywhere

32px Mantra - Free Icons

Format : -PNG -ICNS -ICO -iContainer